Your Joint Replacement Journey will be guided by a multi-disciplinary team. This page and videos will introduce you to each team member and the role that they will play in your care, recovery and successful rehabilitation.


Weclome to Joint School. This video has been developed to prepare you for your upcoming hip replacement surgery by explaining what you can do before surgery to help you prepare, what to expect from your hospital stay and how to rehabilitate to gain the most benefit from your new hip.
You will now meet the members of the Orthopaedic team who will be involved in your hip replacement journey.
Each team member has their own page below with useful tip and tricks, instructional videos and demonstrations.
The video takes one hour to watch from start to finish.

The Joint School Video for Total Hip Replacement


Prior to surgery you will be required to undergo a pre-assessment review to assess your fitness for surgery.

The Pre-Assessment team will organise investigations and blood tests taliored to your medical conditions. The team will offer advice with regard to any medications that you are taking and how to optimise your health prior to surgery.

Your Arthroplasty Nurse Specialist coordinates your Total Hip Preplacement journey and will be one of your main points of contact in the hospital if you need to talk to a member of the team.

He or She may also be the person who is responsible for your routine follow up appointments at 6 months, 2 years and 5 years and every 5 years after that.

Your Anesthesisist is the docotor that you will meet on the morning of your surgery to discus what type of anesthesia is best for you. Some patients will require an appointment with their anesthesist at the preassesment clinic depending on medical conditions. 

The majority of patients having joint replacement surgery will have a spinal or epidural type anesthesia with or without sedation.

Your Orthopaedic surgeon will assess your individual case and determine what type of implant is best suited to you. She (He) will discuss all the options available and suitable for you. 

You will meet your Orthopaedic Surgeon and their team at your outpatients visits befor your surgery and also on the morning of your surgery to discuss any questions that you may have.

Your Physiotherapist will help you mobilise following your surgery. She/He will advise you on how to use walking aids, climb stairs and how to rehabilitate to get the maximium benefit from your new joint.

Preforming your everyday tasks such as washing, toileting and dressing can be quite challenging for patients following Hip Replacement Surgery. Your Occupational Therapist will guide you through these tasks will educating you about the very important HIp Precautions that must be followed for 6 months following surgery.

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